Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuolumne Meadows

As if heading up to the Yosemite area twice in the last month wasn't enough, time for Tuolumne and climb Cathedral Peak, Lembert Dome, and some other random climbs. Cathedral was more Nicole's idea, but I never pass down multi-pitch trad climbing. Neither does Justin and Seth.

We decided to leave Thursday night after work and get into the meadows around 11 at night. This sounded easy at first, but turns out the campsite we wanted to camp at was closed. Hm... campsites must be our crux... :) But after some thought, we got 2 sites in Tuolumne Meadows campsite and called it good.

On Friday, Nicole, Justin, Seth, and I hiked the lovely 1.5 hour approach to the base in the morning. Although I am not a huge fan of approaches, we discovered that Nicole likes to discuss with up some very personal information. So personal, I'll leave it out of this report. Anyways, back to the climb. Nicole and Justin paired together as well as Seth and I. Nicole was set on leading all the pitches while Seth and I decided to switch leads every pitch.

(Nicole Pose)

The climb was pretty fun! A good 5.6, five pitch climb with some super rad views and some pretty fun climbing.

(Seth and I at the 4th Pitch of Cathedral)

Nicole cruised the climb and to my knowledge decided to run it out quite often. Seth and I also did some cruising, but spent a good hour on top taking pictures and just enjoying the views... all while Justin and Nicole were getting eaten up alive by bugs... hehe, sorry!

(The top!)

After getting to the bottom, hearing about Nicole's "near disaster" and seeing Justin's bag destroyed by pack rats, we headed on the 1.5 hour hike back to the car. After returning back to camp, we celebrated with some good brats, beers, and smores over the fire with the rest of the folks that came along for the ride. The others were Garrett, Jen, Sarah, Beth, Tom, Katie, Angela, and Mike. Which I will admit, was a great crowd!

(Seth on top of Cathedral)

On Saturday, everyone but Seth and I went hiking around the valley. We went and climbed Northwest Books (5.6) on Lembert Dome in the morning and then chilled around with Justin and Sarah before heading over to climb Wild Country (5.7) in the afternoon. Wild Country turned into somewhat of an adventure. I arrived to the second pitch to be told by Seth he has cramps and he can't climb. So we had to leave behind a sling and biner and bail. Oh well! Arriving back at camp, we decided to head on a short hike to the summit of Lembert Dome to take some pictures... and then arriving back at camp just in time for dinner! Beers soon followed.

(Go climb a rock!)

Sunday was pretty chill. Justin, Seth, and I wanted to climb South Crack (5.8R) but switched plans after seeing a very very slow group we'd have to follow. So we went and found some off-width crack (5.10B) and an interesting 5.10C face climb. Good change from trad climbing.

After that, we all headed back. Not before grabbing some pizza and Famous Pizza and then dropping some shoes off at the Rubber Room to get resoled!

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